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Application of aldehyde ketone epoxy resin in architectural coatings for wooden furniture

2022-03-02 11:27:24

Aldehyde ketone epoxy resin has excellent sealing and excellent adhesion, which can be used in water-soluble wood furniture architectural coatings. In the application of architectural coatings for wooden furniture, aldehyde ketone epoxy resin has excellent dirt sealing characteristics, including water-soluble dirt, tannin acid, smoke tar, nicotine, etc. in wood, and excellent sealing properties for finish and solid varnish.

Polycondensation of cyanamide formaldehyde indoor epoxy resin in aqueous solution refers to the way of polymerization in a single plastic organic solvent. It can carry out polycondensation reaction on non molten or easily soluble single to obtain high temperature resistant aromatic heterocyclic polymer materials, such as polyimide film, polysulfone, polyarylamide, polyaryl ester, etc. Organic solvents can reduce the reflection temperature and reflect the standard smoothly; Beneficial to heat exchanger; Dissolve the insoluble single.

The characteristics of organic solvents can not only change the specificity of a single solvent, but also immediately endanger the aggregation speed. For example, improving the optical rotation of organic solvents can generally improve the chemical reaction rate and relative molecular weight; The organic solvent has adverse reaction with a single, destroys the molar ratio of a single, reduces the relative molecular weight of the substance, and endangers the product quality and cost.

If it is used as other inorganic fillers, such as auxiliary aldehyde resin of silica and glass fiber powder, aldehyde ketone basically has no anti settling working ability. It is not easy to produce colloidal solution floating and all positive charge support point structures in the solvent. It is a typical non-positive ion polymer - anti settling. Generally, ductile polymers with viscosity should be used in the organic solvent phase, For example, low fractional PVFO (acrylic acid emulsion indoor formaldehyde), PVB (acrylic emulsion, o-phthalic anhydride two), SBS and PU.


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